Saturday, April 27, 2013

Swirreled Black Forest Cream Pie

In making swirreled Black Forest cream pies you will need... 2 12oz containers of Cool Whip, 4 8oz packages of Cream Cheese, 2 cans of Cherry Topping, 2 Oreo pie crusts, 1 package of Graham Crackers, 1 package of Cherry Kool Aid, 2 packages of regular Oreo cookies (crushed), 1 Hersheys Milk Chocolate bar, 1 teaspoon of Vanilla, and 1 to 2 cups of powdered sugar, (to taste, may need 1or 2 quarter cups more per filler of powdered sugar)... To make the Vanilla Cream filler... First take 1 container of Cool Whip and add 2 packages of the Cream Cheese ( at room temperature),one half of a cup powdered sugar (or more to taste), and one teaspoon of vanilla, and mix. You will have to trade off mixing and scraping the bowl repeatedly until smooth... Now add one half of the first package of crushed Oreos and mix in... Then transfer to another bowl and set aside... Now, for the Cherry filler... Mix 1 12oz container of Cool Whip, 2 packages of Cream Cheese, 1 package of Cherry Kool Aid, and 1 half of a cup (or more to taste) cups of powdered sugar, and mix until smooth... Then add the second half of crushed Oreos and mix... Now take the Oreo Pie crusts and with a tablespoon take 1 heaping tablespoons of the vanilla or cherry filler and alternate, putting a different filler next to the other like a clock. Vanilla at 12, 3, 6, and 9. then cherry at 2,4,8,and 10. Now take a butter knife and swirrel the fillers together making figure eights (this process is called Marbeling)... Add 1 half of the first can of Cherry Topping to each of the bottom layers (totaling 1 half can per pie) and take a butter knife and make figure eights throughout the bottom layer swirreling in the cherry topping... Then add the second layer of filler and repeat the process for top layer... Add one half of the remaining can of cherry topping to each pie and swirrel in ... Then sprinkle on Graham crackers, and part of the second batch of crushed Oreos on each pie... And finally take the Chocolate bar, and shave with a potato peeler on top of the pies... Finally, cover with Saran Wrap and refrigerate for a couple hours or until you are ready to serve...  Incredible Pie, Enjoy...8)...