Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bbq Smoked Rotisserie Chickens...

Bbq smoked rotisserie chickens... First I marinated my chickens for a day and a half, with my red and white rubs, and olive oil, then tied the wings and legs down... then soaked my wood chips for a couple hrs prior to smoking... I used hickory, apple, and cherry woods... It is also important to soak the wood chips for at least an hour prior to using them, because if you don't it will cause the meat to turn black from the soot deposits that will burn off... It is important to use an adequate supply of charcoal so the fire stays hot long enough to cook the birds... I made a parallel fire which is coals on both outer sides of the grill, if you need to when pouring the charcoal make two sides on the grill to see how much you have on both sides and if it is going to be enough... Then put two drip pans with water and marinade in the middle for basteing... It is important to add water every half hour so the pans won't dry out, burn, or catch fire. Producing unwanted taste or smell to the food... Every half hour add wood chips and water to the pans... After an hour, start basteing the birds... It should come up to 165 or so after an hour and 15 to an hour and 30min... When up to temp, cover and let rest for 15 to 20 min... Enjoy...8)...

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