Friday, August 10, 2012

A rack of beef ribs

When making beef ribs I have found that leaving the spices sit on the meat for about 20 minutes before putting it in the oven seems to help the flavors come out a little better. Althought marinating with a wet marinade or a dry marinade for a few days in the fridge helps, this process of steaming, basteing, and letting it rest after cooking does the trick just fine... first step, since removing the membrane from beef ribs is very difficult. I've found that just cutting through it between the bones works fine. Then coat the ribs generousely with your favorite spice rub ( I used my white rub), on both sides, cover with foil and let sit for 20 minutes. Add a little butter, douce with olive oil, and add a little water to the bottom of the pan. Then put in the oven at 350 for 2 hours, basteing every hour. Then uncover, flip over and cook uncovered at 375 or 400, while basting, til browned on each side. You could use the broiler, but in my opinion browning this way makes it taste better. After cooking cover, and let rest for 15 minutes before eating so the juices and flavors permiate back into the meat... This recipe was a savory recipe, but if you want Bbq sauce, simply coat the bottom side first and stick under the broiler til the sauce is thick and shiny. Then repeat the process on the other side... Enjoy...8)...

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